Hosted Mappedin Web

Hosted Mappedin Web is an instance of Mappedin Web that is hosted by Mappedin.

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When using Hosted Mappedin Web, a web URL is provided that can be linked to from your website. The link provides a full screen interactive map experience. If you wish to embed Mappedin Web into a web page you host yourself, please refer to the Mappedin Web v2 Guide.

Both solutions offer similar features such as:

  • An interactive 3D map
  • Location search and category listing
  • Turn by turn directions
  • A details page for each location including deals, photo gallery, external links, and related locations
  • A mobile first, app centric, responsive design
  • Deep linking support

In addition to the features listed above, Hosted Mappedin Web offers the benefit of:

  • Automatic updates and maintenance handled by Mappedin
  • Faster time to launch
  • Reduced load on your servers

Get Started with Hosted Mappedin Web

Follow the steps below to implement Hosted Mappedin Web.

  1. Request Hosting - Contact Mappedin customer support ( to obtain a Mappedin Hosted Map URL. Include the map venue identifier in the request.
  2. Publish the URL - Add the URL provided by Mappedin to your web site. It is recommended to open the URL in a new window.

Try It Out

Click to try out Mappedin Hosted Web showing Mappedin Demo Mall.

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