Demo Keys & Maps
Key Type | Value |
Key | mik_yeBk0Vf0nNJtpesfu560e07e5 |
Secret | mis_2g9ST8ZcSFb5R9fPnsvYhrX3RyRwPtDGbMGweCYKEq385431022 |
Map Name | Map Id |
Airport | 6686b845c9f6d6000bc30300 |
Community Centre Demo | 660c0bb9ae0596d87766f2d9 |
Event Space Demo | 660c0c3aae0596d87766f2da |
Grocery Store Demo | 6679882a8298d5000b85ee89 |
Hospital Demo | 660c0c097c0c4fe5b4cc484b |
Mall Demo - Consumer | 660c0c6e7c0c4fe5b4cc484c |
Mall Demo - Facility | 65c0ff7430b94e3fabd5bb8c |
Multifamily Building | 666ca6a48dd908000bf47803 |
Office Demo | 64ef49e662fd90fe020bee61 |
School Demo | 65c12d9b30b94e3fabd5bb91 |
School Demo - Multi Floor | 66686f1af06f04000b18b8fa |
Warehouse Demo | 667b26b38298d5000b85eeb0 |
Use of the Mappedin SDK with your own map requires a Pro or Enterprise Map Account.
Terms and Conditions
Providing the trial keys to you in no way obligates Mappedin to continue to provide access to the Mappedin sample data by way or those keys or at all, access to the Mappedin sample data is provided on an “as is” basis, and Mappedin makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, and shall have no liability whatsoever, in respect of your use of the keys or their performance or non-performance or in respect of the Mappedin sample data.