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Version: 6.0

Enterprise Data

Mappedin SDK version 6 is currently in a beta state while Mappedin perfects new features and APIs. Open the v6 release notes to view the latest changes.

The Enterprise Data classes described in this guide are populated in Mappedin CMS, which requires an Enterprise Tier subscription.

Enterprise Locations

An EnterpriseLocation contains metadata about a location, such as its name, description, logo, phone number, social medial links, hours of operation and more. They can be accessed using the MapData.getByType() method as shown below.

const allLocations = mapData.getByType('enterprise-location');

Here is an example of the data contained within EnterpriseLocation.


This CodeSandbox below labels each location using its name. Click on the location label to display a Marker that shows the EnterpriseLocation name, logo and description. Click the map again to dismiss the Marker.

Enterprise Categories

An EnterpriseCategory groups one or more EnterpriseLocation. These allow similar locations to be sorted in a logical fashion. For example a mall may group locations into Food Court, Footwear and Women's Fashion. They can be accessed using the MapData.getByType() method as shown below.


Here is an example of the data contained within EnterpriseCategory.


EnterpriseCategory can contain one or more sub EnterpriseCategory that are accessed from its children accessor. EnterpriseCategory also contains a name, array of EnterpriseLocation and other metadata.

The following CodeSandbox lists all EnterpriseCategory of the map and each EnterpriseLocation grouped within that category.

Enterprise Venue

The EnterpriseVenue class holds metadata bout the map, which includes the map name, supported languages, default language, top locations and more. It can be accessed using the MapData.getByType() method as shown below.


Here is an example of the data contained within EnterpriseVenue.


The Search functionality allows users to search for locations, categories, and other points of interest within the venue. Here are two ways to enable search:

  1. Enable Search on map initialization (Recommended):
const mapData = await getMapData({
search: {
enabled: true,
  1. Enable Search via method:
await mapData.Search.enable();

Search Query

Use Search.query to search for locations based on a string input:

Search query returns a list of matching SearchResults based on the input string.

SearchResults include information about the type of match, the score (relevance), and detailed metadata about the matching items.

Example Search Query

const results = await mapData.Search.query('Coffee Shop');

// Log the entire result object

Example Response

"places": [
"type": "space",
"match": {
"coffee": ["description"],
"shop": ["description"],
"shopping": ["description"]
"score": 19.5,
"item": {
"id": "s_ef330e70329183b4",
"name": "Take Five Cafe",
"type": "room",
"floor": "f_8ca999c2cbcb6022",
"center": {
"latitude": 43.860466138841865,
"longitude": -78.94643735347043,
"floor": "f_8ca999c2cbcb6022"
"enterpriseLocations": [
"type": "enterprise-location",
"match": {
"coffee": ["tags", "description"]
"score": 24.3,
"item": {
"id": "el_094c671a5bc73fb7",
"name": "Nespresso"
"enterpriseCategories": [
"type": "enterprise-category",
"match": {
"shop": [""]
"score": 9.4,
"item": {
"id": "ec_5cf9b7898619b951",
"name": "Health & Beauty"

Response Field Breakdown

  1. Places:

    • type: Indicates the type of match (e.g., space).
    • match: Shows the fields that matched the query (e.g., description).
    • score: Relevance score of the match.
    • item: Includes id, name, type, floor, and center (coordinates).
  2. Enterprise Locations:

    • type: enterprise-location.
    • match: Indicates fields matched (e.g., tags, description).
    • item: Contains id, name, and additional metadata.
  3. Enterprise Categories:

    • type: enterprise-category.
    • match: Indicates query matches to category-related data.
    • item: Contains id and name.

Search Suggestions

Use Search.suggest to fetch real-time suggestions based on partial input. This is useful for creating an autocomplete feature for a search bar.

Example Code

// fetch suggestions for partial input "Coff"
const suggestions = await mapData.Search.suggest('Coff');

// log the suggestions

// log suggestion names
suggestions.forEach((suggestion) => {
console.log(`Suggestion: ${suggestion.suggestion}`);

Example Response

Here’s a sample response for the query 'Coff':

suggestion: 'coffee',
terms: ['coffee'],
score: 7.558366632976704,

Response Field Breakdown

  1. suggestion: The suggested term or phrase (e.g., "coffee").
  2. terms: An array of individual terms that make up the suggestion.
  3. score: A numerical value representing the relevance of the suggestion.

Below is an example of how to integrate the Search function into a search bar with real-time suggestions:

// HTML (Assumed you have a simple input box and a results list)
// <input type="text" id="searchBox" placeholder="Search here...">
// <ul id="suggestionsList"></ul>

const searchBox = document.getElementById('searchBox');
const suggestionsList = document.getElementById('suggestionsList');

// listen for input events in the search box
searchBox.addEventListener('input', async (event) => {
const query =;

// fetch suggestions for the current input
const suggestions = await mapData.Search.suggest(query);

// clear previous suggestions
suggestionsList.innerHTML = '';

// populate new suggestions
suggestions.forEach((suggestion) => {
const listItem = document.createElement('li');
listItem.textContent =;

CodeSandbox Example

This example demonstrates how to enhance user interactions with real-time search suggestions and visual map highlights. When a user selects a suggestion from the search box, the map dynamically zooms to the location, and a circle shape is displayed to highlight the area. The circle's size is adjustable and helps visually emphasize the searched location, improving the user experience.


  1. Search.suggest and Search.query
  2. Camera animation to the selected location using Camera.animateTo.
  3. Adding a circle shape highlighting the area around the searched location