Release Notes | Mappedin Developer Portal

Version Release Roadmap - All Platforms




Long Term Support



January 2024

July 2024 (planned)


April 2022

November 2022

November 2023


March 2021

November 2021

November 2022

April 2023


January 2021

November 2022

April 2023


Dec 2017

November 2021

November 2022

Updated May, 2024

  • Version 6 currently supports maps created with the Mappedin Self Serve Editor. It can be trialed with your map by upgrading to Plus and contacting Mappedin for a trial API key. Enterprise map support is planned for later in 2024.

  • The alpha, beta and initial launch of the version 6 Mappedin SDK will be limited to the Web SDK. Other SDKs are planned for a later date.

Roadmap Definitions

Roadmap Definitions


In the unstable version, Mappedin is actively developing new features that will be included in our beta release. Mappedin will also resolve bugs that cause breaking changes. Due to the unstable nature of this version, customers should only be on this version when they are partnering with Mappedin to develop new features. We don’t recommend the use of the unstable version for production.


In the unstable version, Mappedin is actively developing new features that will be included in our beta release. Mappedin will also resolve bugs that cause breaking changes. Due to the unstable nature of this version, customers should only be on this version when they are partnering with Mappedin to develop new features. We don’t recommend the use of the unstable version for production.


In the current version, the release is actively being developed and customers are treated as stakeholders for adding requirements and adjustments to the product roadmap. New feature requests and requirements reported on the current SDK version will initially be delivered to the unstable version and once a full cycle of internal and external QA is complete, they will be added to the current version. The current version will uphold Mappedin’s standard SLA and all bugs reported by customers will be resolved.

Long-Term Support

In the LTS version, there is no active product roadmap, meaning there will be no new features added; however, Mappedin may from time-to-time choose to fix API level bugs that are reproducible in Mappedin’s development environment and that have a fix. All bugs must be reported through Mappedin’s standard support channels.


In the deprecated version, there will be no new features added, and bugs will not be resolved. The deprecated versions end-of-life date will be made available for Mappedin customers. Customers should actively migrate to one of our supported versions such as Current, LTS or Unstable.

Release Notes

Release Notes

Version Migration Guides

Version Migration Guides

SDK Documentation

SDK API Reference