Getting Started with MVF v1

Mappedin Venue Format (MVF) is a GeoJSON based data format that represents a venue, so that it can be used programmatically. MVF contains geometry and location data associated with a venue, as seen in the Mappedin CMS.

GeoJSON exports - map desktop

Mappedin’s highly accurate indoor map data can be exported as GeoJSON files for a variety of use cases. These GeoJSON based exports provide complete flexibility to build any indoor mapping experience.

Exporting MVF file

You can export the venue's map from Mappedin CMS. This export includes nodes and paths as well, allowing you to easily build wayfinding capabilities.

This format can be used to build 2D mapping experiences or converted with a variety of 3D renderers, including Mappedin’s.

Sample MVF

Here's how an MVF export looks for one of the indoor venues:

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"id": "5a8c81503e7e180413000000",
"venue": "58347b71031d9c158b000001",
"name": "Default"

To play more and explore other venues' MVF exports, download a sample package: MVF Demo Files.

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