MVF v1: Data Model

The Mappedin Venue Format consists of several data models that our SDKs use to display your indoor maps correctly:


A Venue is the most top level data model that encompasses all other data models

idA unique string identifierNo
nameA string that represents the name of the venueNo
slugA string that represents a more human-readable unique identifier for the venueNo
buildingsA list of building ids that the venue is linked toNo


A building is a collection of levels assembled into a structure within a venue, such as an office tower or a theatre. A building's geometry is determined by the union of all of the level geometries within the physical building. You can have multiple buildings per venue.

idA unique string identifierNo
nameA string that represents the name of the buildingNo
venueThe venue id that the building is associated withNo


A level is a traversable level within a Building and is represented by a Polygon geometry. A level will never extend beyond the bounds of its building.

idA unique string identifierNo
nameA string that represents the name of the levelNo
buildingThe id of the Building that the level is contained inNo
abbreviationA string that represents an abbreviation of the level's nameNo
elevationAn integer that represents the elevation of the level relative to the ground, possible values are 0 (ground level), -n (underground level n) and +n (above ground level n)No


A space is a traversable area such as a room that exists in a Level. Spaces are represented by a Polygon geometry or Point geometry.

idA unique string identifierNo
levelThe id of the level that the space is contained withinNo
parentThe id of the parent Space that the current Space is contained withinYes
externalIdThe external id field of the space (e.g. unit number)Yes


An obstruction is a non-traversable area (e.g. partition wall), meaning a path will never be created through an obstruction. Obstructions are represented by a Polygon geometry and may intersect with Spaces

idA unique string identifierNo
levelThe id of the level that the obstruction is contained withinNo
parentThe id of the parent Obstruction that the current Obstruction is contained withinYes
externalIdThe external id field of the obstructionYes


A connection is a mechanism that facilitates traversal between spaces, such as a staircase or an elevator within a building. Connections are linked by two different nodes. When creating a path, an accessible parameter can be provided that determines if a connection should be used for the path. Connections are represented by a Polygon geometry or a Point geometry.

idA unique string identifier for the node this connection is onNo
nameA string that represents the name of the connection (e.g. Escalator 1)No
levelThe id of the level that the connection is contained withinNo
destinationsA list of id pairs in the format "vortex-node" where vortex is the id of this vortex and node is the id of the destination node on another floorNo
typePossible types consist of “stairs”, “elevator”, “escalator”, “moving-walkway”, “ramp” and “slide”Yes
weightAn integer that represents the cost associated with taking a connection, used in conjunction with the Connection's muliplier property when calculating the least "costly" path.No
multiplierAn integer that is multiplied against the weight to calculate the full cost associated with taking a connectionNo
accessibleA boolean that represents if the connection is wheelchair accessible or notNo


A location is a place of interest that is linked to a Space, such as a store or meeting room. Locations do not contain a geometry.

idA unique string identifierNo
nameA string that represents the name of the locationYes
spacesA list of space ids that the location is linked to. In most cases a location will be associated with a single space id. However there are certain cases where there will be multiple space ids, such as when a location is on multiple levels.No
typePossible values consist of “tenant" or "amenity"No
categoriesA list of category ids that the location is linked to (e.g. Restaurant)No
externalIdThe external id field of the locationNo
logoAn object that contains image urls for the logo of the locationNo
pictureAn object that contains image urls for the picture of the locationNo
phoneAn object that contains the phone numbers of the locationNo
emailA string that represents the email of the locationNo
socialAn object that contains social media urls of the locationNo
hoursAn array that contains the hours of operation of the locationNo


A category is a group of locations with shared characteristics, such as Restaurants or Meeting Rooms. Categories are represented by a null geometry and are instead represented by their associated locations.

idA unique string identifierNo
nameA string that represents the name of the categoryNo
pictureAn object that contains image urls for the picture of the categoryYes


A node is a point on the map that is used to create a path from a starting location to a destination. Nodes may be linked to other nodes which is represented by its neighbors property.

idA unique string identifierNo
levelThe id of the level that the node is contained withinNo
neighborsA list of node ids that the node is linked to, allowing a path to be created from one node to anotherNo
weightAn integer that represents the cost associated with taking a node, used in conjunction with the Node's muliplier property when calculating the least "costly" path.No
multiplierAn integer that is multiplied against the weight to calculate the full cost associated with taking a nodeNo
accessibleA boolean that represents if the node is wheelchair accessible or notNo
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