
Exploring the world of indoor mapping involves grasping a range of terms and concepts, from various Mappedin SDK features to broader indoor mapping terminology. This comprehensive glossary serves as a quick reference for understanding key terms related to both the Mappedin Web SDK and general indoor mapping.

Ambient OcclusionA shading and rendering technique used to simulate the effect of shadows and indirect lighting in a virtual or digital environment. In indoor mapping, ambient occlusion can enhance the visual realism of maps.
BeaconsSmall, Bluetooth-enabled devices that transmit signals to nearby devices. In indoor mapping, beacons are often used for location tracking and proximity-based interactions.
Blue DotA graphical representation on a map indicating the current location of a user or a device. Often used in navigation and wayfinding. Blue-dot-example
Client IDA unique identifier assigned to a client application or service. It is used to identify and authenticate the application or service when making requests to access secured resources or APIs.
Client SecretConfidential and secure key known only to the client application and the authorization server. It adds an additional layer of security by requiring both the Client ID and Client secret to be presented when requesting access tokens. The client secret should be kept confidential and not exposed or shared publicly to ensure the security of the authentication process.
Floating LabelA text element associated with a specific location on a map. Floating labels will reposition themselves based on available space based on the zoom level. Floating-Labels-glossary
Flat LabelA textual label that is displayed on a map in a two-dimensional manner, used to identify a specific point of interest or location. Flat-Labels-Glossary
Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF)A standardized data format specifically designed for indoor mapping. IMDF provides a structured way to represent and exchange indoor spatial information, facilitating interoperability among different mapping systems.
Indoor Positioning System (IPS)A technology that enables the determination of the position of objects or people within indoor spaces, often using a combination of sensors, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other technologies.
JourneyIn the context of Mappedin, a journey refers to the path taken by a person within a mapped indoor space. It could involve multiple waypoints and is used for navigation purposes. Journey-Glossary
KiosksPhysical or digital interactive stations placed within a building that provide information, services, or navigation assistance to users. Kiosks are often integrated with indoor mapping solutions.
LocationDenotes a specific point within a venue identified by its spatial coordinates. It could represent the position of a user, a point of interest, or an object. Locations are fundamental to indoor mapping as they enable precise navigation and wayfinding within a given venue.
MarkerA visual label such as a pin or text to select a point of interest or location. Markers-Glossary
Mercator Zoom LevelA zoom level in the Mercator projection. It represents the level of detail or magnification applied to a map, influencing the scale and visibility of features.
Mappedin Venue Format (MVF)GeoJSON based data format that represents a venue, so that it can be used programmatically. MVF contains geometry and location data associated with a venue, as seen in the Mappedin CMS. GeoJSON exports - map desktop
NodeRefers to a key point or intersection within the map's data structure. Nodes play a crucial role in defining the connectivity of spaces and pathways within a venue. They are often associated with specific locations, and the connections between nodes form the basis for routing and navigation algorithms.
PolygonsPolygons are closed geometric shapes that can denote specific regions or zones on an indoor map.
Stacked MapsA feature that allows multiple maps or floor plans to be stacked or layered on top of each other. This is useful for representing multi-level indoor spaces.
TooltipsSmall, informational boxes that provide additional details or context about the route. Similar to a marker, except, it has a mechanism to avoid collisions with other items on the map by positioning itself relative to the point where it's added. Tooltips-Glossary
Transient PolygonsPolygons that appear dynamically or temporarily depending on zoom levels, often representing contextual information about an indoor space. transient-polygons
VenueRefers to a specific, enclosed space, typically a building or a complex with defined boundaries. Venues can range from shopping malls and airports to office buildings and event centers. Indoor mapping systems are designed to provide detailed representations of venues, allowing users to navigate and explore the interior spaces.
Vortex (Connection)A digital representation of physical passageways and transition points, such as doors, stairwells, escalators, elevators, or any other spatial element facilitating movement between maps.