
MPIPolygon represents the geographical area covered by an MPILocation in a venue.

  • id

    id of the MPIPolygon


    Note:id can be used for the lifetime of the data you get back, but it may not be present in future calls.
  • map

    id of the map where the MPIPolygon is at

  • The layer covering the MPIPolygon

  • id of the layer

  • The external id of the MPIPolygon


    external id is for a more durable use than id or if the data in the Mappedin CMS is being synced from somewhere else
  • The name of the MPIPolygon

  • The array of all entrance nodes of the MPIPolygon

  • The array of all locations attached to the MPIPolygon

  • The ranking data of the MPIPolygon