MPINode represents a position, anchored to a specific MPIMap

  • id

    id of the MPINode


    id can be used for the lifetime of the data you get back, but it may not be present in future calls.
  • x

    The x coordinate of the MPINode


    x values are scaled to Mappedin units.
  • y

    The y coordinate of the MPINode


    y values are scaled to Mappedin units.
  • map

    Optional id string of the map where MPINode is at.

  • externalId of the MPINode


    externalId is for a more durable use than id or if the data in the Mappedin CMS is being synced from somewhere else
  • If MPINode is accessible, accessible is set to true; otherwise, it is false.

  • Adjacent nodes of the MPINode