
data class CameraTransformNode(    val zoom: Double? = null,     val tilt: Double? = null,     val rotation: Double? = null,     val position: MPINavigatable.MPINode? = null)

A configuration of the camera in space.


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fun CameraTransformNode(    zoom: Double? = null,     tilt: Double? = null,     rotation: Double? = null,     position: MPINavigatable.MPINode? = null)


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val position: MPINavigatable.MPINode? = null

A position in 3D space.

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val rotation: Double? = null

Angle (in radians) the camera is rotated from north.

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val tilt: Double? = null

Angle (in radians) of the camera to the ground. 0 means the camera is top-down.

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val zoom: Double? = null

Distance (in meters) from the target.