
sealed class MPINavigatable


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data class MPILocation(    val id: String,     val name: String? = null,     val type: String? = null,     val description: String? = null,     val sortOrder: Double? = null,     val logo: MPIImage? = null,     val phone: MPIPhone? = null,     val social: MPISocial? = null,     val shortName: String? = null,     val detailsUrl: String? = null,     val parent: String? = null,     val tags: List<String>? = null,     val externalId: String? = null,     val picture: MPIPicture? = null,     val states: List<MPILocationState>? = null,     val operationalHours: List<MPIOpeningHours>? = null,     val siblingGroups: List<MPISiblingGroup>? = null,     val gallery: List<MPIGalleryImage>? = null) : MPINavigatable

MPILocation represents a specific area of interest such as a store location

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data class MPINode(    val id: String,     val x: Double? = null,     val y: Double? = null,     val externalId: String? = null,     val accessible: Boolean? = null,     val paths: List<MPIPathNode>? = null) : MPINavigatable

MPINode represents a position, anchored to a specific MPIMap

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data class MPIPath(val id: String, val nodes: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>? = null)

MPIPath contains information that was used to draw a path on the map.

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data class MPIPolygon(    val id: String,     val layer: String? = null,     val layerId: String? = null,     val externalId: String? = null,     val name: String? = null) : MPINavigatable

MPIPolygon represents the geographical area covered by a MPILocation in a venue.

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data class MPIVortex(    val id: String,     val name: String? = null,     var type: MPINavigatable.MPIVortexType? = null) : MPINavigatable

MPIVortex is a special entity that represents a way to move between two or more MPIMaps at a given venue.

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enum MPIVortexType : Enum<MPINavigatable.MPIVortexType>

MPIVortexType represents the type of entity to move from one MPIMap to another MPIMap

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@Serializer(forClass = MPINavigatable.MPIVortexType::class)
object MPIVortexTypeSerializer

Initialization to assign each vortex to its corresponding vortex type


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abstract val id: String


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