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Styling Smart Labels

Smart labels help reduce the visual stress of a map and with customizable styling, we take it a step further. The text, the marker and the margin of the smart label can be customized in size and color.

This can make a big impact especially when the map is styled from the default light background to a darker look. We also individually label one polygon with different configuration to highlight it.

First we set the background of the map with the mapview settings:

mapview: {
antialias: "AUTO",
mode: Mappedin.modes.TEST,
backgroundColor: 0x333333,
// ...

To display the Smart Labels style shown in the example, we can call labelAllLocations with the following appearance settings.

Mappedin.initialize(options, div).then(data => {
smartLabels: true,
appearance: {
text: {
foregroundColor: "white",
backgroundColor: "#333",
marker: {
foregroundColor: {
active: "white",
inactive: undefined,
backgroundColor: {
active: "#333",
inactive: undefined,

Smart Label styling options

The following type declaration of appearance object describes the customizable attributes.

  • Margin in pixels around the label and marker. This will affect label density

Text styles:

  • Text size in pixels
  • If the text spans multiple lines, this sets the maximum number of lines to display
  • Maximum width of text in pixels
  • Line height sets the height of a text line box, by default it is set to 1.2
  • Text has a foreground and background colors that can be set like CSS colors #333 as Hex string or the CSS name of a color such as crimson

Marker styles:

  • Size of the marker in pixels
  • The marker takes both active and inactive variants of its foreground and background colors
export type TSmartLabelAppearance = {
margin?: number;
text?: {
size?: number;
numLines?: number;
maxWidth?: number;
lineHeight?: number;
foregroundColor?: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
marker?: {
size?: number;
foregroundColor?: {
active?: string;
inactive?: string;
backgroundColor?: {
active?: string;
inactive?: string;

Labeling individual locations

It's possible to separately label individual polygons in a different style. This can be useful for highlighting individual polygons.

const label = mapview.labelPolygon({
polygon: ms,
text: "Microsoft",
shortText: "Microsoft",
smartLabels: true,
appearance: {
text: {
foregroundColor: "blue",
backgroundColor: "white",
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