  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • RNMappedinController
    • MapViewStore



#customObjectIds: Map<string, TMappedinCustomSearchObject> = ...
#customObjects: Map<TMappedinCustomSearchObject, string> = ...
#iframe?: HTMLIFrameElement
#markers: Set<string> = ...
BlueDot: { disable: (() => Promise<undefined>); enable: ((options?: TEnableBlueDotOptionsBase) => Promise<undefined>) } = ...

BlueDot control interface

Type declaration


Use BlueDot Events instead

Camera: { rotation: number; set: ((positionOptions?: TAnimatePositionOptions) => Promise<unknown>); setSafeAreaInsets: ((safeAreaInsets: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }) => void); tilt: number; focusOn: any } = ...

Camera controls interface

Type declaration

  • rotation: number

    The current rotation in radians from north.

  • set: ((positionOptions?: TAnimatePositionOptions) => Promise<unknown>)
  • setSafeAreaInsets: ((safeAreaInsets: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }) => void)
      • (safeAreaInsets: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }): void
      • This is so that the map can be positioned on a portion of the screen, (example padding)


        • safeAreaInsets: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }
          • bottom: number
          • left: number
          • right: number
          • top: number

        Returns void

  • tilt: number

    The current tilt in radians from top-down view.

  • focusOn:function
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<unknown>

CameraControls: { rotation: number; setRotation: ((rotation: number) => Promise<undefined>); setTilt: ((tilt: number) => Promise<undefined>); tilt: number } = ...

V3 Camera controls interface

Type declaration

  • rotation: number

    The current rotation in radians from north.


    Use CameraControls.rotation instead

  • setRotation: ((rotation: number) => Promise<undefined>)
      • (rotation: number): Promise<undefined>
      • deprecated

        Use CameraControls.setRotation instead


        • rotation: number

          The new value to set the rotation to, in radians from north..

        Returns Promise<undefined>

  • setTilt: ((tilt: number) => Promise<undefined>)
      • (tilt: number): Promise<undefined>
      • deprecated

        Use CameraControls.setTilt instead


        • tilt: number

          The new value to set the tilt to, in radians from top-down view.

        Returns Promise<undefined>

  • tilt: number

    The current tilt in radians from top-down view.


    Use CameraControls.tilt instead

Journey: { clear: (() => Promise<undefined>); draw: ((directions: MappedinDirections | MappedinDirections[], options?: TSerializableJourneyOptions) => Promise<undefined>); setStep: ((step: number) => Promise<undefined>) } = ...

Journey management interface

Type declaration

OfflineSearch: { addQuery: ((params: { object: MappedinLocation | MappedinCategory | Record<string, unknown>; query: string; weight?: number }) => Promise<unknown>); search: ((query: string) => Promise<TMappedinOfflineSearchResult[]>); suggest: ((query: string) => Promise<TMappedinOfflineSearchSuggestions>) } = ...

Type declaration

currentMap?: MappedinMap

Current map of Venue

privateEventBus: PubSub<{ ADD_INTERACTIVE_POLYGON: { data: { polygonId: string }; msgID?: string }; ADD_SEARCH_QUERY: { data: { object: { id: string; type: "MappedinLocation" | "MappedinCategory" | "Custom" }; query: string; weight?: number }; msgID?: string }; BLUEDOT_POSITION_UPDATE: { data: { update: Omit<TBlueDotPositionUpdate, "nearestNode" | "map"> & { map?: string; nearestNode?: string } }; msgID?: string }; BLUEDOT_STATE_CHANGE: { data: { stateChange: TBlueDotStateChange }; msgID?: string }; CACHE_IMAGE: { data: { focusOptions?: Omit<TFocusOnOptionsSerializable, "targets">; locationId: string; options: TGetVenueOptions; polygonHighlightColor?: string; url?: string }; msgID?: string }; CAMERA_SET: { data: { positionOptions?: TAnimatePositionOptions }; msgID?: string }; CAMERA_SET_SAFE_AREA_INSETS: { data: { safeAreaInsets: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number } }; msgID?: string }; CLEAR_ALL_POLYGON_COLORS: { data: null; msgID?: string }; CLEAR_BUNDLE_CACHE: { data: null; msgID?: string }; CLEAR_JOURNEY: { data: null; msgID?: string }; CLEAR_POLYGON_COLOR: { data: { polygonId: string }; msgID?: string }; CREATE_MARKER: { data: { contentHtml: string; nodeOrCoordinate: { id: string; type: "Node" } | { lat: number; lon: number; mapId: string; type: "Coordinate" }; options: any }; msgID?: string }; DATA_LOADED: { data: { venueData: any }; msgID?: string }; DESTROY: { data: null; msgID?: string }; DISABLE_BLUE_DOT: { data: null; msgID?: string }; DRAW_JOURNEY: { data: { directions: IDirectionsResult; options: TSerializableJourneyOptions }; msgID?: string }; DRAW_PATH: { data: { path: string[]; pathOptions: TPathOptions }; msgID?: string }; ENABLE_BEARING: { data: any; msgID?: string }; ENABLE_BLUE_DOT: { data: { options?: TEnableBlueDotOptionsBase }; msgID?: string }; FIRST_MAP_LOADED: { data: { venueData?: any }; msgID?: string }; FOCUS_ON: { data: { focusOptions: TFocusOnOptionsSerializable }; msgID?: string }; FOCUS_ON_LEGACY: { data: { focusOptions: TFocusOnOptionsLegacySerializable }; msgID?: string }; GET_BLUE_DOT_IS_FOLLOWING: { data: any; msgID?: string }; GET_DIRECTIONS: { data: { accessible?: boolean; from: TSerializedNode | TSerializedLocation | TSerializedPolygon; to: TSerializedNode | TSerializedLocation | TSerializedPolygon }; msgID?: string }; GET_IMAGE: { data: { fileName: string }; msgID?: string }; GET_MAP_POLYGONS: { data: { mapId: string }; msgID?: string }; GET_NEAREST_NODE: { data: any; msgID?: string }; GET_NEAREST_NODE_BY_SCREEN_COORDINATES: { data: { map?: string; x: number; y: number }; msgID?: string }; LABEL_ALL_LOCATIONS: { data: { options?: Omit<TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocations, "locations"> & { flatLabels?: boolean; legacyLabels?: boolean; locations?: string[] } & Omit<TLabelAllLocationFloatingLabelOptions, "locations"> & { flatLabels?: boolean; legacyLabels?: boolean; locations?: string[] } & Omit<TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocationsLegacy, "locations"> & { flatLabels?: boolean; legacyLabels?: boolean; locations?: string[] } }; msgID?: string }; LABEL_POLYGON: { data: { options: TCommonLabelOptions & { appearance?: TFloatingLabelAppearance; flatLabels?: false; rank?: number; scale?: number } & { legacyLabels?: boolean } & TCommonLabelOptions & { appearance?: TFlatLabelAppearance; flatLabels?: true } & { legacyLabels?: boolean }; polygonId: string }; msgID?: string }; LOAD_MINIMAP: { data: { options: TGetVenueOptions }; msgID?: string }; LOAD_VENUE: { data: { options: TGetVenueOptions & { useBundle?: boolean }; showVenueOptions: TShowVenueOptions & { prepareSearch?: boolean; searchOptions?: Partial<TMappedinOfflineSearchAllOptions> } }; msgID?: string }; LOG: { data: string; msgID?: string }; MAP_CHANGED: { data: { mapId: string }; msgID?: string }; MINIMAP_READY: { data: null; msgID?: string }; NOTHING_CLICKED: { data: null; msgID?: string }; OVERRIDE_LOCATION: { data: { location: TGeolocationObject }; msgID?: string }; POLYGON_CLICKED: { data: { polygonId: string }; msgID?: string }; READY: { data: null; msgID?: string }; REJECT: { data: any; msgID?: string }; REMOVE_ALL_LABELS: { data: null; msgID?: string }; REMOVE_ALL_PATHS: { data: null; msgID?: string }; REMOVE_INTERACTIVE_POLYGONS: { data: null; msgID?: string }; REMOVE_MARKER: { data: { markerId: string }; msgID?: string }; RESOLVE: { data: any; msgID?: string }; ROTATION_CHANGED: { data: { rotation: number }; msgID?: string }; SEARCH: { data: { query: string }; msgID?: string }; SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR: { data: { backgroundColor: string }; msgID?: string }; SET_BLUE_DOT_IS_FOLLOWING: { data: { isFollowing: boolean }; msgID?: string }; SET_COOKIE: { data: { cookie: any }; msgID?: string }; SET_JOURNEY_STEP: { data: { step: number }; msgID?: string }; SET_MAP: { data: { mapId: string }; msgID?: string }; SET_MAX_ZOOM: { data: { zoomLevel: number }; msgID?: string }; SET_MIN_ZOOM: { data: { zoomLevel: number }; msgID?: string }; SET_POLYGON_COLOR: { data: { color: string; opacity?: number; polygonId: string; textColor?: string }; msgID?: string }; SET_ROTATION: { data: { rotation: number }; msgID?: string }; SET_STATE: { data: { state: STATE }; msgID?: string }; SET_TILT: { data: { tilt: number }; msgID?: string }; SHOW_MINIMAP: { data: { format: "jsonstring"; options: TMiMapViewOptions; venueData: string }; msgID?: string }; SHOW_VENUE: { data: { format: "jsonstring"; showVenueOptions: TShowVenueOptions & { prepareSearch?: boolean; searchOptions?: Partial<TMappedinOfflineSearchAllOptions> }; venueData: string }; msgID?: string }; STATE_CHANGED: { data: { state: STATE }; msgID?: string }; SUGGEST: { data: { query: string }; msgID?: string }; TILT_CHANGED: { data: { tilt: number }; msgID?: string }; UPDATE_GEOLOCATION: { data: { data: unknown; msgID: undefined }; msgID?: string } }> = ...
venueData?: Mappedin

Venue Data


  • #getCustomSearchObject(object: TMappedinCustomSearchObject): undefined | TMappedinCustomSearchObject
  • #getCustomSearchObject(id: string): undefined | TMappedinCustomSearchObject
  • Parameters

    • object: TMappedinCustomSearchObject

    Returns undefined | TMappedinCustomSearchObject

  • Parameters

    • id: string

    Returns undefined | TMappedinCustomSearchObject

  • #setCustomSearchObject(object: TMappedinCustomSearchObject): string
  • Parameters

    • object: TMappedinCustomSearchObject

    Returns string

  • addInteractivePolygon(polygonOrPolygonId: string | MappedinPolygon): Promise<unknown>
  • Make polygons clickable


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • clearAllPolygonColors(): Promise<unknown>
  • Clear all polygon colors

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • clearBundleCache(): Promise<void>
  • Clear any cached venue bundles that were downloaded as part of LOAD_VENUE with useBundle: true This ensure that the next time keys are passed in, we get a fresh bundle

    Returns Promise<void>

  • clearJourney(): Promise<unknown>
  • Remove any paths and markers associated with journey


    Use mapView.Journey.clear instead

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • clearPolygonColor(polygonOrPolygonId: string | MappedinPolygon): Promise<unknown>
  • Clear Polygon Color


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Create a marker attached to a MappedinNode, with any abitrary HTML code inside.


    Returns string

    markerId This marker id can later be used to remove the marker

  • Draw a path based on a list of Nodes


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • focusOn(focusOptions: TFocusOptionsLegacy): Promise<unknown>
  • deprecated

    Use Camera.focusOn instead


    • focusOptions: TFocusOptionsLegacy

      You should provide at least one Node or Polygon, but everything else is optional.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • getNearestNodeByScreenCoordinates(x: number, y: number, mapIdOrMap?: string | MappedinMap): Promise<undefined | null | MappedinNode>
  • Gets the nearest node by screen coordinate


    • x: number
    • y: number
    • Optional mapIdOrMap: string | MappedinMap

    Returns Promise<undefined | null | MappedinNode>

  • labelAllLocations(options?: TLabelAllLocationFloatingLabelOptions): Promise<unknown>
  • labelAllLocations(options?: TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocations | TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocationsLegacy): Promise<unknown>
  • Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Label all polygons with locations either loaded via the API or passed in


    • Optional options: TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocations | TReactNativeFlatLabelAllLocationsLegacy

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • labelPolygon(polygonOrPolygonId: string | MappedinPolygon, options: TReactNativeFloatingLabelPolygonOptions): Promise<unknown>
  • labelPolygon(polygonOrPolygonId: string | MappedinPolygon, options: TReactNativeFlatLabelPolygonOptions): Promise<unknown>
  • Parameters

    • polygonOrPolygonId: string | MappedinPolygon
    • options: TReactNativeFloatingLabelPolygonOptions

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Parameters

    • polygonOrPolygonId: string | MappedinPolygon
    • options: TReactNativeFlatLabelPolygonOptions

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • removeAllInteractivePolygons(): Promise<unknown>
  • Remove all interactive polygons

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • removeAllPaths(): Promise<unknown>
  • Remove all paths

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • removeMarker(markerId: string): Promise<void>
  • Remove marker by id


    • markerId: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • setMap(mapIdOrMap: string | MappedinMap): Promise<unknown>
  • Change Map/Level


    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • setPolygonColor(polygonIdOrPolygon: string | MappedinPolygon, color: string, opacity?: number, textColor?: string): Promise<unknown>
  • Set Polygon Color


    • polygonIdOrPolygon: string | MappedinPolygon
    • color: string
    • opacity: number = 1
    • Optional textColor: string

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • setSafeArea(padding: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }): void
  • Padding - this is so that the map can be positioned on a portion of the screen


    Use Camera.setSafeAreaInsets instead


    • padding: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }
      • bottom: number
      • left: number
      • right: number
      • top: number

    Returns void

  • setState(state: STATE): Promise<undefined>
  • Set SDK state, which controls camera and other features geared towards a particular experience

    EXPLORE (default)

    FOLLOW - Lock Camera to the BlueDot so it follows it around the screen


    Returns Promise<undefined>