
class MPIPathManager

A Manager for adding and removing paths.


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fun MPIPathManager()


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fun add(    nodes: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>,     options: MPIOptions.Path? = MPIOptions.Path(),     addPathCallBack: (MPINavigatable.MPIPath?) -> Unit? = null)

Takes a List of MPINavigatable.MPINode instances and draws an MPIPath with path segments on each map corresponding to the nodes on that map.

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fun remove(pathId: String, errorCallback: (MPIError?) -> Unit? = null)

Remove an MPINavigatable.MPIPath from all maps it exists on.

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fun removeAll()

Remove all MPINavigatable.MPIPath instances from all maps.


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val paths: MutableList<MPINavigatable.MPIPath>

A List of all MPINavigatable.MPIPath instances that are currently drawn.