
data class Path @JvmOverloads constructor(    val color: String? = null,     var pulseColor: String? = null,     var nearRadius: Double? = null,     var farRadius: Double? = null,     var drawDuration: Double? = null,     var drawConnectionSegments: Boolean? = null,     var pulseIterations: Double? = null,     var connectionPathOptions: MPIOptions.ConnectionPath? = null,     var displayArrowsOnPath: Boolean? = null)

Path holds the properties of values to be set when path is drawn


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fun Path(    color: String? = null,     pulseColor: String? = null,     nearRadius: Double? = null,     farRadius: Double? = null,     drawDuration: Double? = null,     drawConnectionSegments: Boolean? = null,     pulseIterations: Double? = null,     connectionPathOptions: MPIOptions.ConnectionPath? = null,     displayArrowsOnPath: Boolean? = null)


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val color: String? = null

Color of the path drawn

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var connectionPathOptions: MPIOptions.ConnectionPath? = null

Set properties for connection path

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var displayArrowsOnPath: Boolean? = null

Whether to display arrow on path drawn

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var drawConnectionSegments: Boolean? = null

Whether to draw connection segments

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var drawDuration: Double? = null

Duration of drawing

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var farRadius: Double? = null

Far radius of the path drawn (in meters since V4)

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var nearRadius: Double? = null

Near radius of the path drawn (in meters since V4)

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var pulseColor: String? = null

Pulse color of the path drawn

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var pulseIterations: Double? = null

Set the pulse interations