Package com.mappedin.sdk.models


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enum MPIActionType : Enum<MPIActionType>
Possible action types of a specific MPIDirections.MPIInstruction
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enum MPIBearingType : Enum<MPIBearingType>
Possible bearing types when the action of a MPIDirections.MPIInstruction is MPIActionType.TURN
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class MPIBlueDot(position: MPIPosition, _map: String, _nearestNode: String)
MPIBlueDot represents a blue dot.
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class MPIBlueDotPositionUpdate(position: MPIPosition, _map: String, _nearestNode: String, bearing: Double?)
MPIBlueDotPositionUpdate gives the current position update of the blue dot.
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enum MPIBlueDotState : Enum<MPIBlueDotState>
MPIBlueDotState represents what we currently know about the user's position, and how confident we are.
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class MPIBlueDotStateChange(internalName: Int, internalMarkerVisibility: Int?, internalReason: Int?, message: String?)
MPIBlueDotStateChange contains the reason for an unexpected blue dot state change
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enum MPIBlueDotStateReason : Enum<MPIBlueDotStateReason>
MPIBlueDotStateReason contains the reason for an unexpected blue dot state
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data class MPIColor(hex: String, opacity: Double, rgba: String)
MPIColor represents the brand color of a MPINavigatable.MPILocation
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class MPIData(venue: MPIVenue, maps: List<MPIMap>, polygons: List<MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon>, locations: List<MPINavigatable.MPILocation>, nodes: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, vortexes: List<MPINavigatable.MPIVortex>, mapGroups: List<MPIMapGroup>, rankings: MPIRankings?)
MPIData represents the data received when loading a specific venue.
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data class MPIDestinationSet(destinations: List<MPINavigatable>)
MPIDestinationSet is list of MPINavigatable objects.
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data class MPIDirections(distance: Double, path: List<MPINavigatable.MPINode>, instructions: List<MPIDirections.MPIInstruction>)
MPIDirections contains paths and instructions to go from a MPINavigatable object to another MPINavigatable object
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data class MPIGalleryImage(image: MPIImage, caption: String?)
MPIGalleryImage represents a gallery image of MPINavigatable.MPILocation
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data class MPIHeader(name: String, value: String)
Custom MPIHeaders can be used for requests when loading the venue
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data class MPIImage(original: String?, large: String?, dimension140x140: String?, dimension66x66: String?, xxlarge: String?, xsmall: String?, xlarge: String?, medium: String?, xxsmall: String?, small: String?)
MPIImage represents the logo image of MPINavigatable.MPILocation
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data class MPILocationState(type: String, start: String?, end: String?)
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data class MPIMap(id: String, name: String, shortName: String, elevation: Double?, scale: Double?, x_scale: Double?, _group: String)
MPIMaps represents one of the maps associated with a venue.
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data class MPIMapGroup(id: String, name: String, maps: MutableList<MPIMap>)
MPIMapGroup represents a collection of maps (different floors of a single building).
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enum MPIMarkerState : Enum<MPIMarkerState>
MPIMarkerState represents the current state of the blue dot marker
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sealed class MPINavigatable
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data class MPIOpeningHours(type: String, opens: String, closes: String, dayOfWeek: List<String>)
MPIOpeningHours has the opening hours of the MPINavigatable.MPILocations.
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data class MPIPathNode(node: String, map: String)
MPIPathNode contains the id of the node and the id of the map of the adjacent nodes of the MPINavigatable.MPINode
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data class MPIPhone(number: String?)
MPIPhone represents the phone of a MPINavigatable.MPILocation.
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data class MPIPicture(original: String?)
MPIPicture represents the images that depict a specific MPINavigatable.MPILocation
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data class MPIPolygonRanking(polygonId: String, entranceNodeId: String?, score: Double)
MPIPolygonRanking represents the ranking of a MPINavigatable.MPIPolygon.
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data class MPIPosition(timestamp: Double?, coords: MPIPosition.MPICoordinates?, type: String, annotation: String?)
MPIPosition represents the geolocation of an object at a specific point in time
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data class MPIRankings(polygons: List<MPIPolygonRanking>)
MPIRankings represents the rankings data for a venue
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data class MPISiblingGroup(label: String, siblings: List<String>)
MPISiblingGroup represents a group of related MPINavigatable.MPILocation
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data class MPISocial(website: String?, twitter: String?, facebook: String?, instagram: String?)
MPISocial has different social media urls for a MPINavigatable.MPILocation.
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enum MPIState : Enum<MPIState>
MPIState represents the state of a MPIMap.
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data class MPITinyCoordinate(type: String?, mapId: String, lat: Double, lon: Double)
MPITinyCoordinate contains the mapId, type, lat & lon of a MPICoordinate object
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data class MPITinyObject(id: String, type: String?)
MPITinyObject contains the id and type of a MPINavigatable object
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data class MPIVenue(name: String)
MPIVenue contains general information about a venue.
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data class MPIVenueResponse(data: String)
MPIVenueResponse contains a data string for a given venue.